Principles of personal data register related to the client register
1. Reason for processing personal data
We process personal information because:
(i) the registered (client, other than applicant) has given consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes.
We have received client information from business representatives (or individuals) at various occasions such as fairs, meetings and/or e-mail and telephone calls. We use this information in our client register. The particular purpose of this information is to contact and check, for example, whether the client needs new patent applications or other services related to industrial property rights.
2. Personal information to be collected
Client’s company representative (or individual) details for the client register:
Company name, name of person, position of person in company, required contact information (email, phone number, Skype ID etc.) for contact.
3. Registrar and access to information
Registrar: Moosedog Oy.
Access to information is provided to designated persons of Moosedog Oy.
The data is stored in a password-protected part of the system that is accessible only by designated persons.
4. The right of inspection
The client’s company representative (or private person) can exercise its right of control and find out what information about him/her is stored in the client register. The right of inspection is requested from Moosedog Oy by a signed document. Upon request, Moosedog Oy shall promptly correct or remove any information in the client register that is not required for compliance with the obligations.
Version 21.5.2018